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7831 Sandy Farm Road
Severn, MD, 21144
United States


Indian Furnishings


Indian Furnishings

Zeke Domowski

Iris is an independent retailer of fine Indian furnishings. We have genuine passion for Indian furniture rooted in our 20 year love affair with the region. Our aim is to bring to market some of the more elegant traditions of Indian craftsmanship.

We aim to bring to market some of the more elegant traditions of Indian craftsmanship that are less well known in the West. We strive to offer a more personal service where customers are invited to contact us directly with any questions regarding our furniture.

We have a very close relationship with our suppliers that is derived from years of friendship and a shared understanding of the history, language and traditions of the region.

We keep very close ties with the families that make our furniture, visiting them several times a year. This enables us to maintain ethically sourced materials and working environments.

This relationship helps us keep our range fresh, bring new variations to our customers and even offer a bespoke order service.